20 October 2008

Rio De Janeiro and Back to Bs As

On the 18 of October, we decided to leave “Angra Dos Reis” for a day trip to “Rio De Janeiro”. Unfortunately, the weather wasn't with us and we had to cope with the rain all day long. The trip from “Angra to Rio” with a driver is of 2 hours and half (150km). Our driver was completely mad and I wasn't really happy about the way he was driving. Braisileros son locos! Once arrived in Rio, we started by visiting a beach called "Praia Baja Baja". Pretty nice, but without the sun it was a bit boring. We continue our way throughout the city and passed “Ipanema” and stopped at Copacabana. Like a miracle, as soon as we hit the sand of the Copacabana beach, the sun came for a quick visit. It is really a magnificent location and I think the Copacabana legend is definitely real. We then try to go the “Pan De Azucar”, but it was so cloudy that we decided not to pay the 44 Reals/person for the cable car. We found a little path around the mountain and made a quick trek in the jungle where we found some very cute little monkeys! A rapid stop at a restaurant and go to the star of “Rio De Janeiro”: Cristo Redentor. Unfortunately, the rain was with us again and we were not able to see anything (check the pics)! A quick advice for travelers: If you go there take the train at 36 Reals that will take you at the summit (this include the park entrance at 13 reals) and do not take the mini buses that will be proposed to you at the train terminal. It is a rip off! Our trip to Rio stops here and we had to go back to Angra.

Our last evening was pretty quiet. We meet some Argentineans and we were able to drink some Mate, Finally! I say finally, because Ale was clever enough to bring the thermo, mate and Bombilla, but he completely forgot to bring some Yerba :-). Yesterday at 06:00am, we woke-up to take a taxi to the bus terminal. 7 hours after we arrived in Sao Paulo and went to the airport. Our plan was late and we eventually arrived in Bs As at one o'clock this morning.....

To summarize, DO NOT GO AT ANGRA DOS REIS at any price! Watch out when you go in Brazil as the tourist is really a target, not like in Argentina. If you have to take some public transport, take the bus as taxis are incredibly expensive! Be ready for the food as most of the things are fried.

Yes I know, I know. You do not believe me as all your friends told you that Brazil is amazing. I am also sure of that and I will go back to Rio as the city seems to be really a good place to explore. Now concerning the beaches, the girls, the cheap prices and the friendliness of the people...hum...I am not sure at all and will have to check this again. Al final: Viva Argentina!

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