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27 October 2008
El mate kit!
25 October 2008
2 movies to understand the reality of Favelas in Brasil
"Tropical country" called Brazil, I highly advise you to see "Tropa de Elite". This movie is based on real fact, more precisely on the visit of our friend the Pope in 1997 to Rio de Janeiro. Basically, the government of the city of Rio decided to "clean" a Favela located nearby the place the Pope wanted to stay during his visit of the city. Half documentary, half movie, the film explains precisely what is going on in those "town of non-right" where drug dealers seems to be more powerful then a police that have ridiculous equipments to fight. Highly violent, this movie is not recommended to sensible soul. For more info: Tropa De Elite, the trailer. An English version of the movie called Elite Squad is available, but if you really want to feel the real ambiance, I recommend the original version with subtitle English or Spanish.
Second good movie about the reality of the Favelas is "Cidade de Deus". If Quentin Tarantino invented a new style in 1994 with Pulp Fiction, the director Fernando Meirelles perfected it with this movie in 2002. The city of god was a housing project build in the 60's near Rio De Janeiro. This time, no Elite Squad or SWAT like policeman, but the true story of young people that became the biggest drug dealers during the 80's/90's. The story examines the life of many characters having different dreams or life style but all of them had to cope with the reality of life in the Favelas. If "Tropa de Elite" is a violent movie, there is nothing you can’t really expect as I guess we all have the habit of the violence trough American movie. However in "Cidade de Deus", the violence is rough without any compromise where children kill each other with cold blood.
To conclude, the reality here in Argentina can be seen by Europeans as hard but obviously Argentina and its "Villa" (it like this we call Favelas in AR) is now for me something more "acceptable". I am not aware for the moment of the reality in other Latino's countries, but I guess there is nothing to compare with the Favela life's some human being have to experience.
24 October 2008
Fan or not fan, this is not the question! Today is a BIG day!
Finally, I will maybe be able to use my AC/DC t-shirt I received for my last B-day in Oz :-) Woouuuu!
20 October 2008
Rio De Janeiro and Back to Bs As
Our last evening was pretty quiet. We meet some Argentineans and we were able to drink some Mate, Finally! I say finally, because Ale was clever enough to bring the thermo, mate and Bombilla, but he completely forgot to bring some Yerba :-). Yesterday at 06:00am, we woke-up to take a taxi to the bus terminal. 7 hours after we arrived in Sao Paulo and went to the airport. Our plan was late and we eventually arrived in Bs As at one o'clock this morning.....
To summarize, DO NOT GO AT ANGRA DOS REIS at any price! Watch out when you go in Brazil as the tourist is really a target, not like in Argentina. If you have to take some public transport, take the bus as taxis are incredibly expensive! Be ready for the food as most of the things are fried.
Yes I know, I know. You do not believe me as all your friends told you that Brazil is amazing. I am also sure of that and I will go back to Rio as the city seems to be really a good place to explore. Now concerning the beaches, the girls, the cheap prices and the friendliness of the people...hum...I am not sure at all and will have to check this again. Al final: Viva Argentina!
17 October 2008
Angra Dos Reis
Pics of Angra here:
Sao Paulo by night
Check out the pics here:
14 October 2008
Microsoft TechEd / Sao Paulo - Brasil
10 October 2008
Delta of Tigre and Colonia in Uruguay
Tigre and its Delta is a famous weekend destination for the Portenos, citizen of Buenos Aires.
There is plenty of things to do , however it is a bit busy over the weekend and the people are not very warm or happy to welcome toursit.
9 October 2008
Miami vice in Buenos Aires
08.10.2008 El asalto fue en Corrientes y Florida y los ladrones huyeron hacia San Telmo. En la persecución un agente fue llevado por el motoquero de una mensajería.
Dos ladrones en moto asaltaron a un hombre cuando salía con dinero de un banco del centro porteño, pero la Policía los detuvo tras una persecución en la que uno de los agentes fue llevado por un motoquero de una mensajería.
El atraco se produjo en Corrientes y Florida y los ladrones fueron atrapados en Chile y Paseo Colón, al cabo de un raid en el que nadie resultó herido.
Todo comenzó alrededor de las 13, cuando un cliente que salía de un banco del microcentro fue abordado en la tradicional esquina por dos delincuentes que se desplazaban en una moto Honda Transalp.
El acompañante del motociclista golpeó en la cabeza del sorprendido cliente, a quien le arrebató un bolso con el dinero retirado momentos antes de la entidad crediticia.
Tras ello, los llamados motochorros emprendieron la huida por el Bajo, donde tomaron Paseo Colón con la posible intención de escapar en dirección a la provincia de Buenos Aires.
En esos momentos una brigada de la comisaría 2ª de la Policía Federal emitió un alerta, tras lo que comenzó una persecución, a la que se fueron sumando varios patrulleros.
En la avenida Paseo Colón, y alertado de la situación, un agente que estaba de
parada intentó detenerlos, pero los malvivientes le tiraron la moto encima y el uniformado la logró esquivar.
Por el lugar pasaba un motoquero que, advertido de la situación, subió al policía en la parte trasera del asiento.
Así, el uniformado pudo reanudar la persecución, que concluyó 200 metros después, en la esquina de Paseo Colón y Chile, donde los asaltantes fueron alcanzados.
En un intento desesperado por escapar, los ladrones subieron a la vereda, donde derraparon. Así, fueron detenidos y la policía recuperó el dinero robado.
Voceros policiales indicaron que también fue arrestada otra persona que habría intentado escapar del lugar, por lo que se investigaba su rol en el episodio.
Dos delincuentes fueron detenidos cuando huían tras haberle robado 24.000 pesos a un comerciante que momentos antes había retirado de un banco.
Bienvenue - Bienvenido - Welcome
Actuellement, je suis en Argentine et vous pourrez suivre mes aventures sur ce blog.
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